Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Malaysia and its Morons.

We havs a idiot as a IGP, claiming that there is nothing in the law which states that they are not authorised to interrogate  school children without the presence of their parents.This is the same fellow whon said that there was nothing in the law to prevent a group of brainless ex-servicemen from shaking their stinking booty in front of your house.

We have a C4,PMwho assured Malaysians that there won't be a hike in the price fuel,after the 13th general election.

We have a 'I'm a Malay first', DPM who claimed that Muslims never insulted our religion its always the non-Muslims who insult Islam,in MOOheddin wraped mind when Muslims insult our religion,they call it defending Islam,but when non-Muslim defend their religion,they call it insulting Islam.

We have a maverick Minister who claimed that he doesn't sleep with his son because he was not a gay.He had the audacity to appoint his ouw son in his ministry,

We have a 'kaki pukul', Home Minister who said that those unhappy with the results of the GE13 should leave the country and migrate to a country,where the election is free and fair.

We have a 'foaming in the mouth, Minister who recommended that UiTM do a 'scientific research' on the Dumno propaganda,Chinese bashing and historically distorted crap 'Tandas Putera'.

We have a 'hand kissing Dumno/BN apologist, Deputy Minister who quickly brushed aside the SK Sri Pristina changinng room/stingky toilet fiasco as a small matter and declared the matter closed after a whirlwind 'for show' investigation,he later went on to defend a bully teacher whacking a student with a chair, as an isolated insident.

We have a 'rejected MB', Second Education Minister Idris Jusoh who said that those who opposed to the new education blueprint,should send the children overseas for study.

We had the 'Kris waving' former Home Minister KrisMOOdin saying the armed Sulu militants who entered Sabah were  not militants or terrorists but “since they had guns,and that it was important that police action does not lead to bloodshed”.It took 3 weeks for the government to recognize the armered intruders as terrorists before the army was sent to hunt the militants down.

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