Saturday, 14 September 2013

DPM: No need to be apologetic to other races.(read Indians and the Chinese)

DPM: No need to be apologetic to other races.(read Indians and the Chinese)

The government is not apologetic nor worried about the perception of other communities following the announcement of multi-billion ringgit(RM30 billion) measures to give bumiputeras business, training and asset opportunities.

"For me, today is a very lucky day and indeed the most-awaited event. We are not apologetic or worried if the non-bumiputeras or even the international communities see this as something concerning only a certain group, 'the I am Malay first' DPM MOOheddin Yassin said today.

Remember 'Nambikai' and Ah Jib Gor', PM Najib pleaded with the Chinese and the Indian communities to support BN in the just concluded 13th general elections, promising that his victory will ensure that his cornerstone “1Malaysia transformation” programmes will be carried out with the inclusive participation of all races in the country.

Now that they have won GE13 through deceits and cheating,the true racist colour of Najib and his gang of 40 thieves is surfacing.Now that PM Najib,DPM and their party have shed their sheep's skins,it is now clear for all to see the real Najib, the wolf pandering to the right wing ultra 'ketuanan' dumno Malays.

Bravo MOOheddin,you certainly and definitely live up to our expectations. This is exactly the kind of response, we expected to hear from you,Najib and Dumno,telling non-Malays to f@%k off.

MOOheddin's call is not surprising because ultimately the call to help Bumiputra will turn out to be enriching the Umnoputras and their cronies instead.PM Jibby's 49% government is good at one thing: It knows how to break the dumno Malay's legs, hand them a crutch, and say, "See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.

Every economic empowerment policy,since Independence,has only benefited the Umnoputras,the warlords and their cronies,while many ordinary Malays,Indians and the Chinese not aligned to the regime,remain in poverty forever,begging for handout from the regime.

PRESS RELEASE: New Bumiputra Economic Empowerment plan is illegal, unreasonable & racist

I refer to the Bumiputra Economic Empowerment plan announced by PM Najib on 14th Sept 2013 at UITM. Among the benefits announced are contracts worth billions from Petronas; a new Amanah Saham Bumiputra scheme; Mara, Tekun, Ikhtia
r, Superb funds; race-based housing; GLC participation etc. All these benefits are solely for bumiputras! This new racial economic plan is unreasonable, unlawful, unconstitutional and racist. Article 153 of the Federal Constitution which allows very specific and limited quotas for Bumiputras, does not permit wide-ranging race-based economic discrimination as set out in this new plan. The Bumiputra Economic Empowerment plan thus falls foul of Article 8 of the Federal Constitution and is blatantly discriminatory. Nothing in the Constitution allows the government to set up massive funds, share schemes, housing developments and contracts, for the benefit of one race only. Such racial discrimination is not only in breach of our laws and Constitution, but also international human rights standards. It also reeks of massive immorality.

Further, the PM states that object of the setting up of the plan is to reward Malay support for UMNO in the recent GE-13. This is nothing short of punishment of non-Malays for voting opposition, and an attempt at large-scale political bribery of the Malay community. The object of the Bumiputra Economic Empowerment plan is thus completely illegal,racist and criminal in nature.

Economic improvement plans must be on the basis of need, and not on the basis of the race of the recipient. Najib and UMNO/BN are once again threatening to set back the development of this country and are deliberately encouraging racial division and disharmony. Najib and UMNO/BN have become a positive danger to the unity, peace and prosperity of this country. And they have recklessly embarked on this plan for the narrow political agenda of UMNO/BN. This disgraceful new plan is the worst ever Malaysia Day present for this country and its people. 

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