Sunday, 15 September 2013

Happy Birthday - fractured Malaysia.

On Aug 28,1963,Rev Martin Luther Kng Jr gave the "I have a Dream" speech at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial,"I have a dream" speech, "that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today,when all of God’s children,of all color,creed,race and religion will be able to join hands and sing, Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” 

And the face of America changed forever,50 years on, America had the first balack President in Barack Obama.

Nineteen days later,on Sept 16,1963, our father of independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman, stood before a nation and said: “Now finally, the peoples of Malaysia are celebrating the establishment of Malaysia. With trust in Almighty God, unity of purpose and faith in ourselves, we can make Malaysia a land of prosperity and peace, a true democracy and an example to the world of harmony and tolerance with eternal peace and happiness for our people".

Here,50 years later,Sept 16,2013,we as Malaysians are being torn asunder,Malaysia is still grappling with the “ownership” of the word “Allah”, which race should get more or less,which institute of higher learning should be restricted to which race, who should be empowered to determine the religion of a child and the like,corruption,abuse of power,institutionalized racism and marginalisation and the threat of communal unrest.In the name of helping Bumiputras,Umnoputras and their cronies have enriched themselves,NEP has become a 'Never Ending Policy and Billions have been siphoned off.

PM Najib's 1Malaysia 'endless posibility','Nambikai','Ah Gib Goh' have all become a sham.Najib's “1Malaysia transformation” programmes and national reconciliation is pathetic.Today our PM is seen pandering to the right wing ultra 'ketuanan' dumno Malays and unless Najib and his 47% government looks into the structural issues and ensure all Malaysians get a fair chance of moving up the economic ladder.We are doomed.

But we, as Malaysian will persevere ,we'll determine everything,regardless of what is thrown at us, we will hold the options because we want a Malaysia which is truly worthy of the aims and hopes we share and our forefathers,shared.We don't want a Malaysia with endless hatred, bigotry, bickering,fractiousness,corruption,abuse of power,institutionalized racism,marginalisation and the threat of communal unrest.We want a Malaysia, we can all call home,without reservations.

We will endeavour,Happy Malaysia Day.

Malaysia in 2013 - a fractured, polarised nation.

Today our country celebrates its 56th Merdeka(some say it should be 50th Merdeka) but gone are days when we use to celebrate Merdeka with pride and happiness because out nation,today,is teetering at its seams on racial and religious intolerance.

In the land of Najib's 'Endless Possibility' racism and religious fanaticism are fanned by the regime politicians to perpetuate their hold on power after more than half a century There is an air of despair and despondency as shown by the absence of the Malaysian flags on cars and elsewhere on Merdeka Day unlike the past.

"A fractured, polarised nation",is far too kind a description. A failed corrupted nation, rule by an illegitimate administration stuffed with Umno 'ketuanan Melayu' corrupted racist nincompoops,will be the right description.

Today,racist scums are protected,encouraged,rewarded with 'datukship' and even nominated as candidates in election,while those who reprimand or oppose these racists are dragged to the police station,charged and punished.

No where else in the world, the Government of the day fan racial sentiments to incite hatred towards another race to stay in power and even finance a historically distorted racially divisive propaganda movie 'Tandas Putera',using tax payers money,in the month leading to the Merdeka celebration.

Anyway to all those who still harbour hopes for the return of the bygone years of the old Malaysia and Merdeka,I wish you '56th (or 50th) Happy Independence Day.

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