Saturday 17 March 2012

Don't be swayed by emotions when choosing govt: Shahrizat.

"Choose the government and don't choose emotionally, don't choose wrong. The opposition on the other side can only provoke to weaken our spirit. What happened in 2008 is in the past but don't make the same mistake twice. We can be proud of our quality of life, people still have food and are free to make a living," she added.

Hello Mahcik,2008, was to teach you idiots a lesson,to stop your arrogance,abuse of power,corruption and robbery but you morons still refuse to repent and keep doing things the old way,like your family's scandalous abuse of RM250mill.

And what is there to be proud about our quality of life,go tell this to people who live in the outskirt of towns and the rural area who eke out a living in poverty,cost of living is skyrocketing,making ends meet is becoming a daily challenge.

While we, are suffering in our daily lives,you and your cohorts are living a life beyond your means,with public's money stolen from the country's coffer.And you are telling us to "Choose the government and don't choose emotionally".

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