Sunday, 6 September 2015

DEATH OF AN EMPIRE (called Bolehland)

Parti Sosialis Malaysia
DEATH OF AN EMPIRE (called Bolehland)

Did I not tell you about this senile Empire ?
With its pompous guardians constipating at its door steps
Festered with collusions, greed, profits, demi-gods and lost horizons
But did I also not tell you how they fervently dig graves for others ?
Too sedated and too dumb to realize that’s their very own

Did I not tell you how their bastion of power crumbling like nine pins ?
Yet they think that’s progress
So they pride over slogans and promises
Destroying the very dreams that they ever fostered
So the Empire continues to wallow in jaundiced gusto
Shackling the innocents at every twist and turn of time
Claiming victory for placid democracy and justice
Now you are witnessing the Empire’s bleeding‘broken chain of

Of misdirected priorities and competing opportunists
Flip flop decisions, casting aspersions and intense blame games
Stumbling to exaggerate warped truths and pampered agencies
Clamoring to ‘catch the eye’ of their godly master
You should see within their rabid ranks
How hidden agenda craftily designed
To wrest power and orchestrate character assassinations
Inventing and reinventing scapegoats
Conjuring wild scenarios to nurture foul intentions
Staging a ‘siege mentality’ through traitorous media pimps
So they declare war against their people
Yet so afraid of their own shadows
So they shut themselves in fortresses of bodyguards, gangsters in
government uniforms and black magic
Imbuing demented underlings to do their warped biddings

HARK !!!

Did you not hear the cries of the down trodden
And the roar of defiance transcending all bounds
Hacking away the chains of oppression and exploitation
Persevering through ‘thick and thin’ over smoking gas canisters, chemical
waters, battering rams, beaten bodies, cracked heads,broken ribs, open wounds and mammoth arrests
Yet waves upon waves of humanity continue to throttle the Empire
Yet its lackeys living in total denial and false comfort
Clutching onto illusions and blatant lies of lost paradise
So the struggle grows in ever fiery circles

Paralyzing the capitalists, opportunists, jingoists, racists and power brokers
BUT THEN, when the Empire and it’s lackeys are all dead and gone
and broken into smithereens
Will you then resurrect another Empire of the same ?


For the empowered masses will surely summon the marrow of your very existence
To deal a crushing death blow
To all pretensions and exploitations
To rebuild rainbow societies of hope and love
Where we are one in all and all in one
As one big universal  family


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