Thursday, 26 March 2015

12 Reasons Why I Oppose the Implementation of Hudud Law in Malaysia.Fazrin Jamal

Every year, malaysians will argue over hudud. I'm tired of this debate. When will people realise that it is not suitable to be implemented here? Below I listed 12 reasons why I don't support implementation of hudud law in Malaysia.
1. First off, Malaysia is a secular country. Tunku Abdul Rahman on February 1983 clearly stated that, ''The country has multi-racial population with various beliefs. Malaysia must continue as a secular state with Islam as the official religion.'' Tun Hussein Onn, our Bapa Perpaduan agreed with Tunku and said, ''The nation can still be functional as a secular state with islam as the official religion.''.
2. Many muslims argue, "Jika hudud dilaksanakan maka kes jenayah akan berkurangan. Malaysia pun akan jadi aman." This, of course, is untrue. According to the 2013 Global Peace Index, whose indicators, inter alia are number of jailed persons per 100,000 people, level of violent crime, terrorist activity, political instability, number of deaths from organised conflict (external and internal), level of perceived criminality in society and Political Terror Scale, only 1 out of the top 20 countries in the index is a muslim-majority country - Qatar. And for your information, Qatar does not strictly enforcing Sharia. On top of that, Bahrain is the only muslim-majority country in the list of top 10 countries with the lowest recorded crime rate. So, I've a question to all fundamentalist muslims out there : if hudud is really effective in combating crime then why Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen and Somalia were not in the top 30?
3. Sex between two consenting adults is not a crime. The legal definition for 'crime' is "a violation of a law in which there is injury to the public or a member of the public...". Fornicators are not harming anyone and what they are doing is none of our business. Sure, it is a sin and a crime in islam but as I said before Malaysia is a secular country. Please respect that fact. Besides, if God really hates what those adults had committed then let He punishes them Himself.
4. Apostasy too is not a crime. Article 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.". This declaration is not binding on Malaysia, yes, but I believe everyone should respect it. Most adults are capable of making decision, differentiate right and wrong and think for themselves. We must respect an individual's decision to change his religion even though some of us believe it is a big mistake. Think it over : what would muslims feel if a a hindu father threatened to kill his son simply because his son converted to islam. Surely, muslims will get angry and say things like, "Moga ayahnya menghormati keputusan anaknya", "Anak tu dah besar. Suka hati dia la apa dia nak buat" and "Semoga anak itu diselamatkan Allah,". But when these very same muslims hear about conversion of a muslim to different religion they say things like, "Kalau aku jumpa mamat ni memang aku sembelih", "Dah jatuh hukum bunuh kafir lahanat ni" and "Masuk syurga siapa yang berjaya sembelih dia". Why the double standard? They may argue that this is a muslim-majority country but hey, that does not give them a licence to bully non-muslims. Besides, contrary to popular belief, not all islamic jurists consider apostasy a hudud offence. So, I failed to understand why some muslims are so eager to kill another human being. Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you. It is as simple as that.
5. Most, if not all muslim conservatives say, "Aku sokong hudud sebab kalau ada hudud nanti tak ada la asyik dengar berita orang kena bunuh". This is an ignorant statement and is not a good reason to support hudud. There are 6 offences that fall under hudud. They are theft (Sariqa), highway robbery (Qat' al-Tariq), illegal sexual intercourse (Zina), False accusation of zina (Qadhaf), drinking alcohol (Shurb al-Khamr,) and apostasy (Irtidād or Ridda) which includes blasphemy. Murder does not falls under hudud; it falls under Qisas. When I heard somebody said the above ignorant statement I said to myself, "Macam mana dia boleh sokong sesuatu yang dia sendiri tak faham? Dan macam mana pula orange yang jahil seperti dia dengan bangganya mengatakan aku sesat sedangkan aku sekurang - kurangnya faham undang syariah?". Then, I realised, to most muslims, the quran is like a software license. Only few muslims actually read and understand it. Most of them just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree."
6. I saw many FB comments of non-muslims saying that they fully support hudud because, "...bila ada hudud nanti najib jadi kudung, rosmah jadi kudung dan taib mahmud jadi kudung. Baguslah tu". What these non-muslims failed to understand was that corruption, bribery and embezzlement do not fall under hudud; they fall under Takzir which means that if any politician is found guilty for using taxpayer's money for his personal use then he will be imprisoned. His hand won't be chopped off.
7. Conservatives say, "Hudud ni hanya untuk orang islam. Yang bukan islam tak payah risau". Actually, many muslim scholars believe that hudud is for all, not exclusively for muslims. If i'm not mistaken, in Saudi Arabia and Iran, Syariah is applicable to all muslims and non-muslims. This means that any non-muslim who is found guilty for adultery or drinking alcohol will be stoned to death or flogged 40 times. Earlier this year a Catholic woman was convicted guilty for khalwat. On top of that, a report by Malay Mail Online on June 5 2014 "Hudud should apply to all Malaysians, Jakim paper suggests" proved that there's an attempt to subject non-muslims to islamic law. Now, how will the government convince me that the 40% non-muslims won't be affected after they implement the hudud?
8. In my opinion, drinking of alcohol is not a crime. It is a crime against god, yes, but it is none of our business. If you don't like it then don't drink it. Please don't shove your belief down everybody's throat. Respect them no matter how sinful their action is to you. Besides, I don't think it is okay to flog somebody 40 times merely because he drank alcohol. Have you ever seen a mormon being punished for drinking coffee (which FYI, forbidden in mormonism)? Have you ever seen a yazidi being imprisoned for eating lettuce? Have you ever seen a jain being killed because he ate animal meat? Have you ever seen a jew being flogged for eating pork? No right? Then why muslim conservatives are so excited to flog another muslim? They do not have anything better to do, huh?
9. Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland have secular laws and guess what, number of cases and rate of murder, theft, robbery, rape and other crimes in those countries are lower than in countries that implemented hudud such as Pakistan, Iran and Nigeria. In Netherlands, a staggering 19 prisons were scheduled to be closed due to lack of criminals. In Liechtenstein, according to an International Special Reports study, the average Liechtenstein resident doesn't even lock their door. Why? Because the low number of crimes committed in that country. In fact, as of 2007, the last murder taking place in Liechtenstein was 10 years ago. Now, answer my question - why do you want our government to implement hudud law which has been proven to be ineffective in combating crime? Shouldn't we take Norway, Netherlands and Finland as example and legislate similar law like theirs?
10. Conservatives always tell me, "Jangan persoalkan hukum Allah. Berdosa besar!" Excuse me, I was born with a brain for a reason. You may think you are a good muslim and will be sent to heaven because you blindly accept everything. Me, on the other hand, will use all knowledge I've learnt all these years to make my own stand. I don't need you or anyone else to think for me. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "Question with boldness even the existence of a god because if there be one He must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." God, according to you, is an omniscient creator. I don't think an omniscient god would hate me and send me to hell simply because I question His Law. I think He would be proud of me and those who dare to question, think critically and make up their own stand.
11. They say, "Hudud will prevent muslims from committing sin." Well, i'm secular and liberal but I've never drink alcohol, commit zina, slander innocent woman of committing zina, steal and gamble. Why? Because I have empathy, education and I can determine right from wrong. I don't steal because I would hate it if someone steal my things. I don't drink alcohol because I know the negative effects of drinking. I don't slander innocent woman of committing zina because it's morally wrong. Seriously, I don't need a threat of strict punishment to be a good person. Instead of implementing hudud to prevent muslims from committing sin why don't you educate them what's right and what's wrong?
12. They say, "Hudud ini tujuannya mendidik bukannya menghukum." Oh really? How exactly you educate adulterers that have been stoned to death? How exactly you educate apostates whose heads have been separated from their bodies?
I'm not insulting islam or anyone here. I just don't understand why you guys think hudud is suitable to be implemented here. Do not try to change the topic by saying i'm islamophobic. That tactic is so lapuk. Anyway, it's okay to disagree with me but please don't use The God Excuse because it is the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument. And instead of cursing me with bad words please state facts, statistics and peer-reviewed research which prove you're right.

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