Monday, 1 April 2013

Latheefa Koya blows her top

A row between PKR lawyer Latheefa Koya and a National Registration Department (NRD) officer was uploaded on YouTube recently.
The video shows Latheefa getting angry with the NRD official who refused to give her the MyKad forms for the 48 applicants who were at the Klang NRD on March 22. Throughout the video, Latheefa was seen asking several times for the MyKad form.
“Just give me the MyKad forms. These are all straight-forward cases. I don’t want to debate with you, just give me the MyKad forms.
“The faster this can be settled, the earlier we can all go home, so just give me the form,” demanded Latheefa to a seemingly oblivious NRD official.
“Right now we just want the MyKad forms. We want the identification card forms and not the citizenship application forms, do you know the difference? If you know the difference, just give us the forms.
“You see here, I’ve given you one sample [a document]. I want to show you that we have checked all the particulars, we don’t come here foolhardily, we have checked everything, we know their rights,” she said to the official who is seen just shuffling the documents.
After asking the NRD official for the umpteenth time for the MyKad forms, the official finally went to take 30 forms as requested by Latheefa.
In the meantime, chants of “we want the form” could be heard in the background.
After the official returned empty-handed, Latheefa began raising her voice at him.
“We’re not stupid, okay, all these people are poor, they’ve come here thousands of times and all of you just ask them to go home without even giving them the forms.
“So why don’t you just give us the MyKad forms? We will fill up the forms, and after that if you want to reject the applications, it’s up to you,” she told the official.
‘People are fed up’
(At this point the official was seen toying with his phone.)
“We’re trying to be nice with you and you treat us like this, you’re testing our patience, aren’t you?
“Why if the Filipinos and Indonesians come here you can process their applications in one day? Is it because they pay for it? These are Malaysian citizens we’re talking about here; if not we wouldn’t be so angry like this.
“Asking for a form is like asking for a house. We have come here because if they were to come by themselves, as they are weak and poor, you just push them away like a ball.”
With her tone continually rising, she said that she has lost her patience because all she wants is the forms.
“What’s so hard about it, don’t you have the forms here? People here are already fed up, look at what they’re saying,” said Latheefa.
“Why won’t you give us forms? You can give the Bangladeshis but you can’t give them to us?” said one of the applicants.
“It seems like they don’t understand when we speak to them nicely, we have to talk to them like this,” said Latheefa after the official went away taking a call from his phone.
When contacted, Latheefa said that they went to the Klang NRD with 38 to 48 Malaysian citizens of Indian descent without identification cards on March 22.
She admitted that they were finally given the forms after the official came back with a senior officer from the Selangor NRD.
“After asking for the forms for so many times, the official finally came back with a senior officer from the Selangor NRD and gave us 40 forms to fill up,” she said.
Commenting on the incident, she said it was not the first time they were handling similar MyKad application cases, adding that they never had problems to get the MyKad forms previously.
“We have done this many times in Penang, Kedah and Putrajaya and it was easy to get the forms.“Some NRD officials have failed to give proper documentation to these people [MyKad applicants],” she claimed

“We’re not stupid, okay, all these people are poor, they’ve come here thousands of times and all of you just ask them to go home without even giving them the forms.

“Why if the Filipinos and Indonesians come here you can process their applications in one day? Is it because they pay for it? These are Malaysian citizens we’re talking about here; if not we wouldn’t be so angry like this.Systematic silent discrimination by BTN entrenched officers on denying the poor n educated, basic rights.. Well, this must been on going for last 55 yrs n imagine the snowball effect..

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