Do you think that without Mamak Mahathir and DPM MOOheddin's protection,P.I.Bala and Deepak Jaikishan will be brave enough to parade their charade about "revealing something "big" about Najib and Mrs,related to Altuntuya?",when Bala made the first SD,he and his family was harassed by the police,so much so that he had to run away and operating incognito but now no arrest at the airport,better still Bala and Deepak will be going on a whirlwind tour,on the guise of exposing Najib/Rosmah,at the expense of Pakatan Rakyat.(I smell a rat,don't you?)
Mamak Tun and MOOheddin,the evil incarnate that they are,are using the two numbskulls to expose Najib and Rosmah's shenanigans,through Pakatan and ultimately Mahathir and MOOheddin are going to do a "Abdullah Ahmad Badawi" on Najib.That is kick Najib and install MOOheddin as the next PM,paving the way for Mukhriz to become the DPM.(what grand scheme of things)
P.I.Bala and Deepak Jaikishan are the 'Trojan Horses",Period.
(Heard it through the grapevine that the first person Bala went to see was Mamak Mahathir,something fishy here,right?)
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