I've written about Fear Psychosis sometime back on another topic , but now especially, it is apt to say FEAR PSYCHOSIS rules the day for UMNO, ex-premier Mahathir Mohamand and Prime Minister Najib Razak. They all fear losing in the 13th general election. This fear alone will turn into a nightmare for them.
UMNO enjoyed its stay in power for 55 years, but 80% of its members did not enjoy the perks of this long rule. Only 20% benefited and I could be wrong here, it could even be only 10% or so who actually benefited. It is safe to say all those who walked in the corridors of power all these years are super rich, some can be included in the Billionaires List of the world. How did this happen?
An awful spell
The blame should go to the people back then who had a blinder in their eyes when they went to vote.The people were very naive and humble and whatever the ruling government proposed was accepted by the ground as well as the Parliament. There was literally no alternative or opposing voice in the Parliament - very little representation at all. The few opposition MPs were either in jail under ISA or suspended from Parliament.
Of this group, the most vociferous and vibrant was Karpal Singh and he was naturally the most frequent casualty. It was a merry time for the ruling government, there was no check and balance on any issues. It really was Green Light all the way to the Bank for these leaders who walked in the corridors of power. The people were just 'pukau-ed' into oblivion.
But suddenly, the people have awoken from this 'pukau' or evil spell and have driven Fear Psychosis into the hearts of these UMNO leaders. Now the UMNO elite fear they might not be the majority in Parliament any more and will lose all their current perks and some might even go to jail. So they Fear.
Mahathir ruled like Hitler for 22 whole corrupted years, giving little chance to critics or dissenters. He connived and conned the people into believing in him blindly. It was an era where Corruption was the norm, and 'Semua pun Boleh' was the catch phrase.
There was nothing you could not do in Bolehland - everything had a price. All you needed to do was pay your way out of any misdemeanor or even a felony, and for licences, foreign workers, permits and what not. That was' Mahathirism' in Malaysia.
Mahathir took pride in what was tall, big and large so that he could amass as he wished, stashing it in foreign banks. Today he is old and worried and Fear Psychosis has seeped into his bones. His fear is he might 'lose all' including his ill-gotten gains.
He fears that if the Opposition wins the 13th General Election, his legacy ends and he will end up in the gutter where he belongs. And this fear has driven him insane so much so his present comments borders on lunacy now.
Bersih the final nail in the Umno-BN coffin
As for Najib, he is a 'non-elected' Prime Minister and he must win GE-13 to stay relevant, or else he will go down in history as the First unelected Prime Minister, which will not augur well for him or his First Lady with the huge ego.
Najib must win at all costs - even at the expenses of the people. This is his Fear Psychosis. Poor chap - he has to fear so many things. He already has a huge headache with a dead ghost on his back, and submarines that won't dive in Malaysia but are hogging the limelight in Paris with new revelations.
Adding to his migraine is his buxom spouse with expensive taste. Call a spade a spade, she is despised by his own people as well the rakyat, while a little Indian woman with a huge Bersih following is giving him nightmares.
Ambiga Sreenevasan is now one of Najib's biggest Fear Psychosis apart from long-time arch rival Anwar Ibrahim. She has made him insanely ineffective, by massing together 250,000 people onto the streets to oppose him. So what has Najib done about it? Well, he did the worst thing he possibly could.
Najib countered the people with a low a blow in the belly by using the police to attack the crowds with water, tear gas, and punches. BERSIH 3.0 has rewritten his destiny as a failed leader and Malaysians will attest to it in the coming GE-13.
Najib will be the last of the Mohicans, while Mahathir will go down in the history books - unplugged - as a corrupt leader who indulged in mega projects that nearly bankrupted the country.
Written by Mathias Gomes, Malaysia Chronicle
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